#59 - We're 3 months into 2011

Mar 24, 2011 21:35

Its a reallly beautiful sight when all the kites gather in the blue blue sky, took my breath away for a second or two the other day when I was at Barrage. Its so annoying that it is so inaccessible if you do not have your own transport and the bus frequency is 45mins per bus. But Im so going back there to fly a kite sometime soon. (Hi Kenny Yeo!)

Saw a rainbow on that very same day. Its pretty faint in this photo but if you focus a lil, you'll see it.

2011's tape seems to be playing fast, its end March already! Work is still as boring as it can be. The boy got post out to some vocation at the airforce and we enjoyed his week of 8AM-530PM together, cos we get to see each other everyday (After my work, after his 8-530 lecture) for a good one week. Having something/someone to look forward to at the end of your day does make a difference I realised. But now he's back to staying in on weekdays and booking out on weekends (if nothing goes wrong) and waiting for the next post out in a few weeks time.

My body immune has been quite lousy lately, been unwell with flu and sorethroat for a while now. All blame goes to the boyfriend who has a very bad cough and flu, and the arrow will go to his bunk mates who are sick and the list goes on. The worst part of it is how he acts like a kid and refuse to quit eating junks that makes himself more unwell everyday. But Im glad we got it all sort out that day, and he is starting to say no to things that will harm his sick body. :) Brought him to the doctor the other day and I hope he recovers soon. Cos its been almost a month, and that is really long, plus he's not even getting better.

My 2nd bridging course is gonna start this Sunday, meaning 2nd bridging paper coming soon too. Thankfully I'll be stress-free by my birthday since the exam is a few days before 10April. :) Talking about my birthday, Im not exactly looking forward to turning 22, I guess as you grow older, you dont really get excited over birthdays anymore. At least for me. Still, Im hoping for it to be a nice and special day, somehow.

Im also heading Macau the week after I turn 22. But its beginning to feel less safe travelling with all thats happening with Japan. Now it just feel safer to stay in this lil red dot. Talking about Japan, saw tears dwelling in my eyes when I was watching some tv program which interviewed survivors who lost their love ones in disaster that hit their town. )':

Just be happy and contented each day when you wake up in the morning that you're still given another shot in life.

the specs girl who is cranky and unwell,

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