Mar 18, 2004 02:46
One time I worked for a boss that actually sent an email to the staff that read word for word,
"Dear Staff-
Please note that Europe has a different time
zone then America. Please keep this in mind
should you call us for any reason while we
are on vacation."
I know because I wrote it down in a notebook praying for the day I could write it in one of my entry finally free from working for such patronizing assholes. Anyhow, last week I was oddly enough hired as a wardrobe stylist for a commercial in the making. It pays good money. I have had only about five hours of sleep per night having worked crazy hours complete with 6am call times.
I now have a closet at my disposal full of bags and hats and shoes and belts and jackets and an ironing board and multiple lint roll brushes and drawers full of safety pins. I aim with the awesome make up artist who tells me gossip about famous stars and that Diane Sawyer is really as nice in person as she apperas to be on TV. I have a company gold credict. My job is to get direction from the Producer like "That 70's Show meets Paul Frank and off I go with my credit card and an iced coffee and hit store after store after store. I carry a pocket full of heads shots and measurements and then I huff it back to the set with a million bags to iron for hours and prepare to 'dress the talent''.
Dressing the talent is absolutely hilarious. The girls always say, 'I can do it!' regarding putting their own shirts on over their heads without getting makeup on their clothes but of course, it never works. They always mess up. We change shirts and start again. The guys on the other hand take directions extremely well. When you hold their t-shirt out for them they sort of dive in with gusto as if they are going head first into a swimming poo.