Brief updated Florida-style

Jan 05, 2006 21:28

Well not really Florida-style, more like "I've got a breather from the conference and I'm skipping out on poker night to check email and sleep early." Any way, the conference for PTC down in Lake Buena Vista has been interesting. I finally met my career coach and have had a really superb time meeting, and talking to a number of people, making quite a few worthwhile connections here at the company as well getting together with my fellow new hires for the first time in two weeks (not THAT long a period away from them, but its nice to still catch up after the holidays).

I appologize deeply to the friends down in Florida that I have been unable to meet up with. I didn't realize quite how time consuming this conference was going to be until I got down here. We start at 7:00 am (that is, if you want breakfast) and go to 8:00pm at least, usually later. Its a long day of seminars and lectures which I feel I am not going to retain much if any of the information, but I may surprise myself.

Any way, I'm back in Boston for 16 hours from Saturday until I fly out to Detroit on Sunday, its a short layover but enough of one that I can change the clothes in my suitcase and be fresh for Michigan.

Best road name ever: Big Beaver Rd. -- off of Rt. 69 -- gotta love Troy, Michigan. Our hotel for the Michigan training is on that road.
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