Last Otakon Update For '05

Aug 22, 2005 14:01

Alright, this will be the last Otakon update for a little while (probably until I either go again, if people are interested next year) seeing as the convention is done. I will cover direct con related events first in this update.

I have to say I think this past weekend has been one of the most fun weekends I've had in a while. The convention was okay, there were things about it that made me somewhat irate, but since I was only at the convention for a total of 9 hours this entire weekend, I'm not really going to complain. I went to two panels, one was my own with Mike (kiryuu1), and Sean (ddrkaiba) and it seemed to go off without a hitch. Too bad Amanda (asuka_langely) couldn't show up to it and help out, she was having problems of her own, and I know she wanted quite badly to participate. Next time Amanda! We'll make sure we do something for next time. As for the other panel I went to, Bryan Hayse (sp?) and a few of his friends did a sketch comedy show, which got cut off mid way since we didn't start until 1:30 am.

Other then panels, and wandering around, I made my way to the dealers room and I made the obligatory purchase of goods from Sasuga Books, and then made my way to the artists alley once again in search of my friend(s) who run Illusive Rhapsody. I found them and hung around their booth for a time talked with them, then bought a few things from them and decided to head back to the hotel and take a nap. Earlier though I also saw a couple of Mike's friends, and people who I only know a little bit, Ben and Ang, at their table in the dealer's room as well as Sketch from a distance (though I did talk with him the registration line, I didn't get a chance to compliment him on the re-do of the Vash costume). It was great seeing them all though!

I also was lucky enough to see Ashley (crosslie) and Chris (bele_nus) for a brief period of time. I think it was the first time I ever had seen Ashley in make-up (especially that MUCH make up!), and its a shame I didn't get a chance to hang out with them longer. I invited them to the room party on Saturday night, but they decided ultimately not to come apparently. I hope to do something with Ashley and Chris again before the summer ends, and before Ashley heads off to Japan.

We had two room parties, Thursday night's room party was a bit more clean by the end of it, if I recall. Suprisingly since the partiers were SA goons. Joking. However, you would assume SA goons and 4chaners to be a bit more... party-hardy I think, then again they -ARE- geeks. So, possibly I am misjudging them, I mean after all I'm a very cleanly person.

Saturday we had our second room party with a different cast of guests, Sean (ddrkaiba) came to this one, he, Paul (shdwmagiks) and I were able to geek out about Phantasy Star, and the upcoming Phantasy Star Universe as well as many other games. Sean played bartender for the most part that weekend and created the "Grand Prix" while sloshed. You'll have to ask him whats in it. I had a great time talking with Sean, Lisa (kurthy133) , Paul, and everyone else. As well as meeting Sonya (sp?) and the other birthday girls, and some of their friends that they brought. Even though for the most part I was in the kitchen talking games with Sean and the extent of meeting some of these people was "hi, bye, nice to meet you!"

For the most part that was the weekend. Shout-outs are at the end, or.. right here!

  • 4y4m3 - Illusive Rhapsody rocks! I will eventually make it to Anime North one of these days, also, if you ever do start up that Audio Drama project again with the Suikoden fiction, count me in. I will eventually get a microphone. ^_^
  • _sailor_moon - Steph it was great meeting you and hanging out with you at the convention and in the room. I hope the allergies/sinuses clear up some and you can actually enjoy the remainder of your summer. That and I hope you had a nice flight back home!
  • asuka_langely - I hope things are going better for you now, less stress and all. We missed you at the panel, but we will have to do something similar again. It was great seeing you though, and I still owe you some "ghost hunting" expeditions up here in MA.
  • bele_nus - Gay as ever Chris ;`). It was great seeing you, you have been missed since your year "vacation" in Japan. I will likely be up in Amherst a bit more often hanging out with Corey this semester, so if that is the case I will be sure to hang out with you as well!
  • byronstrife - Byron, you're a good guy! Nice costumes as well by the way. Thank you for helping out when Amanda was so distraught on Friday night. I really appreciate that!
  • crosslie - OMG! MAKE-UP! Heh, I never got to see you head-on in the I-no costume, but I bet you looked "smexy." I hope my presence Saturday morning hanging out with you and Chris in the fountain area didn't make your lives too rough! Oh, and on my drive home, I drove past your house. I took 3A to 101 (I think) to 128. I was dying laughing when I realized the route I took.
  • ddrkaiba - Drinkin' buddies! Although you drink more often then I, but geeking and drinking with you Sean rocks, hardcore. I will have to make it down to New York one of these days to head out to a bar with you or something.
  • hyugafenrir - It was great seeing you man, although I heard tell that you are married? I never knew, nor would I have guessed this. So I will say this: congratulations, even if it is several years belated!
  • junpei508 - I hope you had fun down at the convention Viet. You said you did so I'm glad. It was pleasant having you down there (some times more then others, man you get belligerant when drunk!). You still owe me $11, and I will collect! Eventually.
  • kiryuu1 - Thank you for providing us with the room, even though we left it totally trashed at the end of it all. Let's hope that they get the charging you an additional $250.00 or something straightened out. The damn bastards. Also, we will have to head out sometime so you can pay off the $10.00 you owe me. =P
  • kurthy133 - It was great to finally meet you Lisa. Well, granted I met you briefly in providence, but it was great to finally hang out with you. We will have to get some people together and hang out in Boston one of these days. I hope the bus ride wasn't too bad heading back to Boston!
  • ms_monypeny and sarielchan - Heh, it is never quite a party without you and Katie. It was great seeing you again and I totally look forward to heading out and partying at your place when you throw your move-in party bash.
  • nothing0011 - Great weekend eh? It was cool hanging out with you again, and seeing your place up in Dover before we all headed to the airport. Keep in touch!
  • persoconchii - Anna! It was great hanging out with you again. Last time we really hung out was Anime Boston '04 I think. Definitely good times!
  • rhi_chan - Awesome seeing you, I'm so glad you and Paul were in the room with us. I can't wait to hang out with you, and everyone else again at some point in the (hopefully) near future.
  • shdwmagiks - Yay for PSO, PSU and all other things geeky! Talk about crabs man! You got tons of them! Heh, those fund raising crab statues were bizarre, how many of them had you captured on film by the end of the weekend?
  • Ben and Ang - It was awesome seeing you guys again. Its a shame I didn't get a chance to talk with either of you too much. I would have gone to the Halo party but I got distracted doing other things, hope you guys had a lot of fun!
  • Sketch - Always a pleasure to see you and talk with you about things! The Naruto headbands with the varying icons on them were great! I also did see your re-do of the Vash costume from afar, and I thought it looked great. Sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you that in person!
  • Jeff - Or, otherwise known as Edward Norton, always nice to have another celebrity in the room to hang out with!
  • Liz - It was nice meeting you, even if I didn't get a chance to socialize with you that much. Hopefully at another convention if we both end up rooming with Mike, I will get more of a chance to become acquainted with you.
  • Sully - "Living Human Under This"; I don't know if you ever saw the sign Paul had made and place on your sleeping bag when you were passed out the first night. It was great meeting you man, and I look forward to seeing some of the pictures you took!
  • To everyone else who I met at the con, and during the parties - It was awesome meeting you/seeing you. I only wish I had gotten more of your contact information, and had more time to speak and hang out with you.
  • To everyone else who didn't make it to the con - I missed you all, some people especially, but we will work around the con and hang out outside of it hopefully some time!

party, friends, anime, otakon, convention, manga, shout-outs

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