This is a very quick post to call your attention to
Thalnarra, who waits for you in the magical land of ebay! Thalnarra is one of
Melody Pena's Windstone griffins, hand-painted to look like your favorite gryphon fire priestess. In many ways Thalnarra is the centerpoint of Andovar as a world; I hear frequently from readers that she was their favorite, so it's amazing to see her "in the feathers" here.
Melody did
such an incredible job. If you've ever seen a Windstone in person you know that photos don't do them justice, even when the photos are amazing (there are more in that album, and on ebay). I want to gush about this for thousands of words, but I also want you to actually read this and then click right over to the
ebay auction and try your luck.
Honestly. If you had told me five years ago that Melody would be painting one of her amazing griffins to look like a character I'd invented, I would ask you to share whatever you were smoking.
Stay tuned next week for a post about the making of Thalnarra, and to congratulate her new owner. :)