My Dog Ate Your Poetry

Aug 03, 2008 23:30

Item unrelated to the subject line #1: although I put a little icon of Clockwork Phoenix in my sidebar, I've been very lax about posting the terrific feedback the collection has been getting. time_shark rewards my indigence with bad-habit-training rescue in the form of the excellent website he posted recently, containing details on said fantastic feedback as well as guidelines for Clockwork Phoenix 2. Go forth in strangeness.

Item unrelated to the subject line #2: I have found two new (to me) philosophers recently, one of which I should have known about (Levinas) and one that I can squeak by for not knowing (Peter Singer). I post them mostly so I'll remember later when I am inevitably trying to backtrack a google trail. The second is fascinating particularly in the context of The Philosopher's Apprentice, a Jim Morrow novel I recently read (thinking that I would be going to ReaderCon). I also today downloaded five of Nietzsche's books to the Kindle, along with Fear and Trembling and the collected works of Bram Stoker. It would be reasonable to expect repercussions.

Now, the subject. I have sold two poems ("No Signal" and "Bag Man") to Farrago's Wainscot. This is particularly satisfying to announce right now because they currently have some fantastic stuff up by Bryan Dietrich -- you should definitely go check out "WWJD". But my path to publication in FW has come by way of the digestive tract of a chocolate lab.

About a week ago I got a response to a query that was so great I asked the editor if I could post it to my blog (so this is all with permission, o ye traumatized editor response letter carriers). He obliged, and gave me a photo to go with it.

Hello Erin,

Glad to hear from you. These poems were in a "second read" stack that was eaten by one of my dogs a while back. Came home to find a smiling Labrador atop a pile of poetry-confetti. Thought I'd gotten back to everything that was in there, but she must've ingested the bits with your name on them.

In any case, I've been busy at work the last couple days since you sent this email and am at work now, but will take another look and get back to you very soon. I'm off Wednesday and Thursday, so will definitely get to them by then. Many thanks for your patience

Coeditor: Poetry
Farrago's Wainscot

I waited until the end of the week so that I could post this with the results of the submission to complete the story -- accept or reject, it makes an entertaining tale -- and this is Bailey:

...looking sad and guilty.

It seems she ate a copy of Hal Duncan's Vellum last week, too. My poems are in good company! And their digital ghosts should be up on FW sometime this year or next.

poetry, writing, publication, philosophy

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