I just looked, and the clock read 23:24:25...

Oct 17, 2002 23:24

Well, here's my weekly (monthly?) update...

Been really busy lately. I haven't even checked LJ in probably a week...I'm always so busy with the site. I have a nice update routine now, but of course I want to expand the site. No way to do it at the same rate as all the stuff going on in the world right now, though.

What I think I need is to ask for some help.

Work's...work. The merger's not going through (unless, say, Hell freezes over), so that's one less worry. Right now the only positive thing (versus bad or, more common, neutral) about work is that I can update the site as often as I need to. It's kinda slow, since I can't use an ftp program, but it does the job.

I'm still thinking about how best to tackle the garage. I'm hoping to turn it into a "chill space" -- part bunker, part game room :-p Speaking of which, it'd be ultrabadass to get a cabinet game in there one day. =D There's about 20 million things to do to the garage, like killing anything living in there and then going through, oh, 30 years' worth of stuff. Well, Monique's grandpa and I are going to talk about what to do with the whole thing, so I'll have a plan before I delve into what looks to be the biggest home-type project I've ever undertaken. Could be really worth it, though.

My money situation is screwed up six ways from Sunday right now (which also reminds me that I need to renew my LJ account). I'm kinda pissed at myself for letting myself get so irresponsible. Grrr. I need to get this shit straight and fast. I'm even worried that I'm letting Monique's mom and grandfather down. Maybe her, too. :-\

I feel so damn unconnected to most people these days. I think I'm doing it myself, too. Blarg. Need to figure that out, too.

Heck, all I'm doing is bitching. I should speak of some positive things.

Hmm...I guess it's hard to think positive with so much insanity raging in the world today. I mean, it's been bad, but this is...ooof.

I like Blue Sky sodas...that's a positive thing. And I've really liked doing the grocery shopping at the local non-chain supermarket and the food co-op here in town. I'm totally impressed and awed by the way everyone in the house is in favor of things like organic foods, alternate energy, and stuff like that. Monique's mom even bought one of the new Civic GX gas/electric hybrids. Very cool. We all share pretty similar values, which is really awesome. I feel very lucky to be considered part of their family. It's neat ^_^

I really believe humanity can progress to a better place...we just have to keep from blowing ourselves up beforehand!
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