Past couple months

Jul 26, 2007 17:48

The class I was taking the first half of the summer finally ended.  I am so happy.  The instructor could not speak English clearly.  He was from Uganda.  I spent so much time focusing on what the guy was saying that I stopped taking notes.  I was frustrated to the point were I started writing down the literal respellings of what the guy was saying sounded like.  Here is an example:

This is what he said - "And by the way, we add a D"
He was referring to a variable in an equation

This is what the respelling looks like - "An da ba da way, woo a a dee"

Anyway, this is now over.  I moved on to an easy computer course something like I took in high school.  I could do it on my head.  I is the computer requirement to graduate.
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