May 05, 2005 17:44
First I’d like to say that today was strange. I woke up to get my lit review. I got a 78%! This is pretty damn good considering the people in front of my got all D’s and it’s a sophomore/junior level class. Came back from class and for some reason I felt all dizzy. So I ask Shavonn, “Is It hot in here? I feel sick do you feel sick?” She just gives me a weird look. So she starts quizzing me for my exam and I looked at my arm and it was all red. Naturally I thought I got a sun burn. Then I notice my legs getting hot. So I stripped and I had red marks all over. I even had it on my face! So she took me the clinic, and I don’t know what I got it from but I had hives! The nurse stuck a needle in my butt. Man, I’m such a woos! I missed my exam, but I’m taking it tomorrow. I wrote the professor and told him I had a needle in my buttocks.
Ok now I’m really confused on what I’m doing next year. Mary took me home 2 weeks ago and she told me that she wants to go to Ohio State as well. I was thinking that I’d probably be going to Kent. Well now I’m all messed up again! I talked to my advisor today and he graduated from OSU and gave me some advice, so I’m not worried about going there academically because both Kent and OSU are equal when it comes to my degree. On May 27th I’m going there with my parents, and then a week after that with Mary. I will make my final decision on June 3rd because that is when my housing is due for Kent. In a way I really want to go and start over. If I leave I’ll miss Claire and Sheena. For some reason I think it will be different next year here. Claire is rooming with Holly, so she’s all set. I just think maybe I should just do it. I just want to live the full experience. I think I’m going to go. Sometimes I walk around Kent, and I think I’m going to miss it; however it could be because I’m use to it. I have mixed feelings. I need comments!
I’m excited to come home! Jack will be home for a few days. (he works at Disney World), and were going to hang out.
My LOVELY Grandma comes home for the summer too. God I missed her to much. Can’t wait to see her.
Last week people were cracking me up online. Here are some highlights:
zgem9985: I think i'll date a black person! i can't get any love from white boys
SoulSisFive: no you wont
SoulSisFive: a black guy will never have you
zgem9985: WHY
SoulSisFive: your too dramatic
SoulSisFive: lol
zgem9985: Uh! Insulting
SoulSisFive: hahah
SoulSisFive: black guys like girls that dont give them a hard time
SoulSisFive: steph would be good
SoulSisFive: willbert
SoulSisFive: lol
SoulSisFive: hahaha
SoulSisFive: they like white girls who put out
zgem9985: i put out
SoulSisFive: i was going to say that but i decided not to be too mean, i mean i just called you racist
zgem9985: i'm going to hell ANYWAYS
SoulSisFive: yeah most likely
SoulSisFive: not me tho, heven it is
zgem9985: THANKS Sheilah
SoulSisFive: im here for you babe
SPRAAAAAGUE984: so i can assume that youre naked right now since youre in the shower...... nice
Auto response from zgem9985: SHOWER....
zgem9985: omg perv
zgem9985: i also changed my tampon naked
SPRAAAAAGUE984: well.... thats a little more information than i wanted!
SPRAAAAAGUE984: i dont want to fantasize about that
zgem9985: r u sure
SPRAAAAAGUE984: well.... i guess i do since you were naked while doing it
andy00914: i miss you megz, seeing you that one night was a tease of what i can really have over the summer ;-)
Andy is CRAZY! I love him soooooo much though!
I should have put the convo with Jordan in here. We both have the same urges! Wink wink.