Sep 19, 2007 02:07
I hella dont know where my life stands right now. I thinkkkk Im moving back too the bay area soon though, I need too talk with my roomate first, but Ill know by the tenth of next month, when rents due, what the plan is. Basically, Im living with this chick who is near as I can tell fucking perfect. Sept that she tends too fall asleep before I get off work and not give me a ride home *shakes fist* but, otherwise, shes totally awesome. Shes got one of thoughs brain things in her head, which automatically puts her ahead of like 90% of everyone Iv ever met (mind you, if your reading this, where probably friends, which puts you in the 10%, congrats) she has fucking bomb taste in music, shes super umm... moralistically pure? Which is too say she has not done anything, ever, as long as I have known her that I felt was in wrong, or atleast, the few times she has done things that wherent totally sweet, they where atleast fucking funny as shit, so she gets away with it.
She was talking about moving too the east bay with me today. after I (kinda sorta maybe might have all together truely did) told her how I felt about her, because honestly, I wanted her too know before she agreed too move down, it didnt seem too realy sway her away from it. Mind you, I got totally shot down, but she still seems too want too leave her home behind and follow me back too mine... weird.
That being said, she has not given a 100% yes, and Im basicly going along with whatever she decides now because 1. She JUST lost her job and it would financially devastating for her if I up and split, and 2.well, theres that whole 'love' thing, coupled with the fact that deep down and side, Im wayyyy too sensitive for my own good. (I know, news too everyone right?) Anyhow.... see you all soon? maybe?