Jul 02, 2006 16:19
Allright, so phatty life update, short post.
I am NOT moving too elceritto, I do however have a studio in south berkeley, its not that far from where I was living with Jon, but its in a slightly nicer neighborhood and costs an assload less. Its like, right down the street from the starry plough. The downside to this, is that some of my neighbors are scared of me. I didnt do anything too instill fear in them, but I guess I look pretty terifing too old people. I was waiting (for 4 hours, might I add) by the starry plough, for Marie too give me a ride too Debbies bonfire. She never showed, and my phone was dead, so I didnt get her message that basicly explained she had driven 6 blocks in the wrong direction and couldnt find the place (2112, not 1112,silly) so I hella missed that and wound up eating a bannana for dinner and sleeping. Durring my time waiting, however, an old woman walked out of the club, I asked her if she knew what time it was, she gave me a REALLY dirty look, then walked back in without answering my question, came out with 3 guys who she proceeded to ask REALLY loudly too walk her home, because she "Didnt feel safe anymore" she then walked into an apartment 2 buildings down from mine, locked the gate, stopped on the stairs, and straight mugged at me for like 45 mins from behind the locked gate before going in.... such a great responce too "Excuse me mam, but you dont happen too know what time it, is do?" followed by a "or, you could just not answer me and pretend Im not a human being, that works too" mind you, that responce came out after she started staring me down. I dont even get that shit, I was being POLITE for fucks sake. Anyhow, I have a feeling living in a rich naighborhood isnt going too work so well for me... fucking old yuppies are the WORST.