Damn last night was rough... went painting and their was mad worker on the highway and we got chased out twice and came back each time to continue... and on top 3 writers showed up and ran away so we chased them and ended up putting knifes to their throats cuz we thought it was FB crew.. anywaysss.. long story. So yeh.. we rocked some rollers on the highway again... different spot but near the other spot we rocked... such fresh spots... but yeh... we got in at 8:00am and drank till 11:30am and passed out till 6pm.. such a stupid thing to do but these guys do it all the time... fucking weirdos.
Oath's kitty
The cats ghetto house hehe
Some bums doing dishes
A magazine at Oath oner's house.. i just find the picture sexy even tho shes not a brunette hehe.