Happy Holidays from Hawaii

Nov 27, 2010 01:17

Aloha, fellow Zevran worshipers! Lei has finally decided to come out of her shell and share her work-in-progress with the community at large.

Currently it's more of a fantasy/adventure story and somewhat gritty. But she was really moved to tell the tale of Zevran and the warden's childhood first (sorry, no icky romantic bits yet, and they're NOT "soul mates"). This was beta'd by her husband and one other friend who's not as familiar with the world of DA, so it still has some rough edges.

The Lowly One

This is not a quick read per se, but part one is almost finished (also posted to FF), so it seemed like a good time to invite others to read it. Lei promises to start working on the DAO story arc soon. This is why her journal is rated 'explicit' and some portions are nsfw.

Warm regards & Happy holidays

pc: cousland, fanfiction, fanfiction: het

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