Kinkfic: Patience

Oct 05, 2010 12:52

I hear rumours that Zevranites are more open to sexy writing than most of the other comms.  Thus I was encouraged to try posting this here.  If the mods have a problem with it PLEASE just let me know and I'll delete it, no questions.

This was originally a kmeme fill.  There's a sequel 'Innocence' - if this one seems popular, then I'll post that too.

WARNING: Herein, there be male on male action, sub/dom and spank, also descriptions of an orgy.

Title: Patience
Characters:  Alistair/Zevran/M!Cousland
Rating: M   (A really big M.  Do we have anything higher than M?)  NSFW
Summary:   After the Blight, Aedan and Zev set up home in Vigil's Keep and gave the place quite a reputation.  And not always in a good way. For additional kicks, they toddle to Denerim every six months and hold extremely discreet parties.  Five years on, an invitation to one of those events is sat on King Alistair's desk...

pc: cousland, nsfw, npc: alistair, offsite link, fanfiction: slash

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