Of Heroes and Fools: a Dragon Age fanfic

Jun 09, 2010 13:01

After lurking on various Dragon Age LJ communities for several months, I finally managed to gather up the courage and come out with my own piece of fanfiction.

And since it’s my first fic ever, needless to say that right now I feel like a teenager on her first date. Oh boy.

Title: Of Heroes and Fools
Rating: M for sexuality and dark themes.
Spoilers: For the entire Origins campaign, obviously.
Genre: Psychology, character study, drama
Pairing: m!Cousland/Zevran. But it’s much more complicated than that.
Length: ~9000
Summary: Portrayal of an unusual hero, unhealthy relationships and a love triangle gone wrong, given through Zevran’s eyes.

Disclaimer: Dragon Age isn’t mine. If it were, it would include many more dialogue options…

Author’s Notes: First, thanks to my beta, bellaknoti, for shaping this thing into proper English.

Second, thanks to my best friend (who stubbornly refuses to create her own LJ account, even though it was her who taught me the art of lurking) and especially my boyfriend for being supportive and providing constructive feedback, even when I started behaving in a completely obsessive manner.

And finally, kudos to mistiqarts for her illustration - she’s a truly great artist who perfectly managed to capture the claustrophobic feeling of this story. You can find her work here

“It was Zevran alone who knew what kind of a rotten heart the Warden was hiding behind that shining armor of his.”

I plan to cross-post this to some other Dragon Age communities, so forgive me if you see this fic around a lot...

fanart: slash, pc: cousland, npc: alistair, fanfiction: slash

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