Apr 16, 2006 14:39
Well here i am on a sunday after noon on my grama and grampas Hp Pavilion mx70 computer... its internet is pretty slow.. and there talking about turnups.. and parsnips.. thats what the elderly talk about now a adays , and they were in a heated debate about percription socks my grama got eye surgery and so yesterday she was wearing A patch.. but now she doesnt.. and for some reason she cant lift anything heavyer thatn a milk jug.. dr's orders.. oh im so bored.. at least i have a computer to update or something.. and im playing freecell whilel the pages load and stuff.. but i HAVE to stay clear of myspace, because if they ever new i had one they would be incredebly protective.. about internet stalkers and such. well i think there comming over here so i better post this and play some more free cell..
hmm.. im hopped up on coffee and so im typing really fast.. and now there talking about " the youth of today blah blah blah