You've got mail!

Dec 16, 2010 19:05

Hi Guys

I already said something to Yury and Eugene K. about a visit to Holland, but now the time has come to set a date!

I want to invite all 3 of you guys in january, to meet the Drupal team in Holland and visit our new office in Den Bosch!  Of course also to work together on project with the guys here!

I would like to welcome you asap in January (around the 10-17th of January), but of course we also have to arrange Visa, ticktes, hostels etc. And of course you have to set a date together when it suits you all. Is it possible for all of you to visit Holland for 3 weeks?

Please let me know at least Monday 20th of December when you all can come over, so I can start arranging everything.

@Alexei, can you start with arranging the visa’s and invitations next week?



P.S. Люблю свою работу. )


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