So, another presidential election has passed us by and this one, while close, has given us 4 more years of George W. Bush. As much as this may be characterized as the coming of the apocalypse for some people, I think things will turn out fine. I was quite dismayed at the vitriol displayed in
my wife's journal simply because she (and I, for that matter) examined the issues and chose to re-elect the president. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and if you want to convert someone to your way of thinking, attacking their intelligence is not going to get the job done. Neither is throwing out ludicrous propaganda instead of logical, rational thought. Catch more flies with honey and all that jazz.
As a precaution, I will prepare a Canadian escape pod for Sara and I so that we can escape before Bush executes his secret plan for a nuclear war fought by drafted senior citizens whose social security checks will be returned to Bush's fat-cat billionaire friends who plan to rule the world. You should prepare too.