things that should be done

Jan 04, 2005 01:02

Well lets see, its well not the first of the year anymore but i should still make a resolution or two so as to make this year better than last.
1)lose some more wieght, i am a fat ass, yep you heard it here frist, i am a fat ass at 225ish

2)save money, i know its the "jew thing" as my friends call it, but hey everyone needs to do it

3)read more books, cause well i dont read that often and feel i might forget, jk but i should read more

4)Be honest with myself more

5)Find another job come April if i do not become a supervisor at this hotel

6)Keep my place cleaned an well actaully clean it daily so i dont have to do big cleaning days(this starts on the 5th or 6th depending on how fast my room is cleaned)

7)Go to everyone of my classes and get even better grades than i did this year cause i like the feeling i got for good grades

8)And to be a good person overall, like help out when i see someone needs help with no alterior motives behind it like getting food or money or something. (Like not saying i will do it but only if you feed me or something, just do it and if someone feels they should pay me in some form or other then thats fine)

Yep i think those are all attainable and possible. This will be the first time i have recorded what my resolutions were and seeing if i have attained them or not. I hope i hit at least most of them, but i shall see. The most important one is number 5 and then number 2 so yea there is no order and these are resolutions only. Oh and btw my girlfriend is so cool, she knew i was working a 14 hour shift the other day and made me dinner. It was so good, now i just have to clean the containers and bring them back, i am such a lucky person to have her as my girlfriend. I just wish our schedules werent so full so that we could see each other more than we do now, but hey we have gone 2 months alrdy, yay.
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