Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei volume 3

Aug 28, 2009 10:29

As Del Rey has just released the translation of SZS volume 3 on the 25th (about four or five days ago) I figured it was time to ask wether anyone has got their copy yet? :3 I pre-ordered my copy on Amazon, but for whatever reason I've been told it'll be delayed. The whole reason I pre-ordered was to prevent having to wait longer... *head-desk* I've already been waiting like four months for it to be released at last... Anyway, does anybody have it yet, and if they do then how is it? I'm a bit peeved at Del Rey for, when posting the blurb on their website, saying that Jun is a girl. Please say that mistake isn't on the actual book? If so- epic fail.
Anyway, discuss, discuss!

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