[How it clicked on this time is completely beyond reasoning, but no less it turns on.
There's a humming, and in the screen can be seen a certain very sad teacher. He's leaning forward slightly, combing his hair with a very damaged comb.
He sighs.] If only I were home.
[and so, he turns around, and his entire
outfit is visible. Yes, he is wearing street clothes for once--and smiling. God forbid this man should look happy for even once in his life. He does not deserve joy.
He fixes up his bed, and pats the sheets flat. Then, casting his gaze over the room... he sees... his communicator.
The smile fades into horror. He rushes over, turns off the video, but not the audio:]
((ooc; Tags will be delayed OOCly because I've a little work to do, durp!!))