I would like to request a wheel chair if anybody has ones handy. I have been staying at the hospital too long, and it is about time I started looking for a new apartment.
As well, Father Nightroad suggested I speak to a woman--Belldandy, I believe we have spoken before. I am afraid I do not know what for, perhaps you do?
Also to the young man who saved me, thank you. I am afraid we have not exchanged names--I am Itoshiki Nozomu.
[Private to Amu//Viewable by Abel//Hackable]
Amu, you may need to retrieve that wheel chair for me. If we could, I would like to live in Horton--Marshal looks far too unstable for me to feel comfortable. Also, Father Nightroad and I were talking of having lunch one afternoon once I am capable of moving around myself again. I would like if you could come.