Hello everyone *salute whit his head*
Right now I am in a informatic lab waithing for my math class to beging and I must say that from the last 30 minuts I been in a real state of peace.
How did that happend?
Mostly from the combination of the music (PALE"Whithin temptation)
http://video.google.fr/videoplay?docid=-8911061901547448003&q=pale+within+temptation This music mainely makes me think of the special friendship that I have whit one of my new friend and everytime I listen to it it reminds me that on this world that there are people that I know or knew that I once maked a promiss to them. The promis that whenever they would need me that I would always try to come to them the fastets way that I can.
So when this taught comes to my mind I just feel like I become invincible or as its hapening now at peace, as I forget about the stres of school, about the money that rules the world, the coruption and everything and all that can seam to come to my mind are the most private and strong emotional moments that I lived whit eatch and everyone of my friends so to all of you I send some of my peace that I have aquired during this moment of sanaty and to all I send a mesage of love and to remind you all that if one time you happend to need to talk to a soul that will not turn your back to you, that will not yell at you, that will hold you nomather what and aint mind a wet shoulder just know that I am here and that I always try to log on msn as ofthen as I can and if any of you need my phone just send me and email.
I care for you all my friends.
*must go to class*