Sep 22, 2006 13:47
Hello everyone,
Right now I am inside of what would be supose to be the personal and supper working computer lab that are reserved for the people of my tecknique witch is Informatic.
During the day I was planing to do programation sins I have dificulties to queap up whit the others sometimes and by the fact that sins my computers at my place are almost all broke down I cannot just risk to instal the (One time use only Visual basic Instal) that I have at my didponibilitie.
But yay for me! All usb ports of every computer labs that dont have clases in them and have Visual 2005 are all taken and the only other place would be HERE! In the private informatic clas but the stupid moron programmers have just dint allow the final sequence of the USB key lunch sequence that ask me in witch way I want to use my USB key.
The result, the USB flash memorie doent apears BLOKING ME FROM WORKING MY CODE FOR " HOLE HOURS! Until a class gets free..And speaking of witch one will be free right about 5 minuts from now so Il fo there whit 2 hour lost but I should stay positive as I will at lest have something to do.
Private Sub Coony
If coony.nothing to do = true Then
Coony.thinking = true
End if
If coony.thinking = true Then
Coony.feelings sad = true "gets like this most of the time sins his mind is never setled"
End if
End sub