Contain hapines and phylosophic pasage and can cause envy over me by reading it:You have been warn.
Well lots of things are hapening..A good friend of my is moving in Otawa today.*lower ears* wont be able to see him for a wile cause of school.
I reaseved a art giff from my mate witch will be use for the creation of my fursuit and the first step have been done. it is really how I see myself on the picture and its the way that I act and my type of clothes(dream clothes) Are all like that Ither all black Ither all white or a mix of the two and my fursuit will be as resembling as the picture.
The group that will do my suit is now doing the multi angle caracther sheat. So yeah..I also now have so mutch things that I would like to say sins that I now have phylosophie class new things tuch me everyday and here a sentance that might tuch some of you but it is traduced from french so it might not be as good in english sins I aint know all the words..
''Its by always force areself to regret the past or to hope of the future that we end up by missing the only life that is worth living, the one that is rely on the here and the present tme and that we aint know how to love it like it should be''
And this is no invention as if any of you would meet me in real life I could show you the text where I got it..
Right now I would so wish to hug people like Wes, Kildoo, Shanw, Brand and so many oders in my arms just for the sake of been close to them. Phylosophie is making me realise that it is not the past neither the future that we should think but about the present. Maybe my interpretation is rong sins I only readed a 16 pages text so far but phylosophie helps me so mutch to help me stabalise my head but I will always worry a bit about the future but will try to enjoy my life to the fulest.
I so mutch care for the world and so mutch for my friends that sometime I dont realise that by caring to mutch I end up making them go away..I should really try to past more time whit them having fun bether then to dig there past memories..I should simply try to be myself as I have been for the ppast months and just have fun and try to not despair to mutch..
Well I should go back to read my last 4 pages in phyllosophie and to my loving mate witch will be back whit his dad whit piza and chiken.
Love you all.
Love you Ral