Title: Serenne Where the Sunflowers Grow
zetoCharacters/Pairing: Arthur/Eames
Rating: R
Word Count: 800+
Disclaimer: Inception is Christopher Nolan's amazing creation. I don't own these characters.
Summary: Arthur hurts but Eames can't do anything to help him.
Secrets I Have Kept )
This is a lovely story, and in an elliptical way it seems to be complete.
I'm super glad you liked it. <3 Thanks for reading, darling~
I think this is just a quirk of my work: I work from 1pm to 10pm Paris time, so I get to be online at a time that spans several US and Asia timezones simultaneously...
I work weird hours too. xD 6am for me right now. I find most people in North America aren't quite up or online just yet at 6am as I head off to sleep soon. xD I can usually sneak online just before work and occasionally check my email and LJ during one of my breaks at work.
Sleeping during the day is a bitch, ain't it? ;-;
ain't it JUST.
Could that be a plotbunny for you?
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