What I have been working on this week during vacation

Jul 15, 2010 09:31

This week, one of my goals was to start painting miniatures again.  It's been awhile since I picked up a paint brush but once I began, it was pretty easy to get back into the groove.  The figure below is one of Rackham's Kelt Musicians.  This was before they switched a few years ago to painted plastic figures similar to what they did at WoTC.  The figure was originally unpainted and needed to be cleaned and primed beforehand.  Unlike some of the manufacturers (Reaper is a good one that comes to mind), this particular figure did not include a lot of flash (left-over shavings attached to the figure from the molds) or other imperfections that you normally would get.  Overall, the detail on the miniature was well done by Rackham.

Just so you know, I am not the world's best photographer so the pictures really do not do this one justice.  Thanks to one of my Facebook friends, they offered a few tips (including using natural lighting instead of taking the shots indoors) which seemed to help clean them up a bit.  Some of the pictures didn't pick up the shading and look a little weird.  However, I will replace those as my skills get a little better.

The figure is close to about 30 millimeters (about 1.2 inches tall).  In gaming terms, it's just a hair bigger then most of the miniatures around (most are 28 millimeters standard) but still challenging to paint.  Feel free to comment and let me know what  you think  -- thanks!

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