Writer's Block: Set Sail

Dec 10, 2008 00:34

I've never really noticed these writer's block thingymabobs before but this one caught my attention.

Just doing pairings that have been on my mind recently rather than taking forever to compile a complete list.

House M.D. - House/Wilson. I LOATHE the Huddy pairing. Why? House has zero respect for Cuddy. He never lets her genuinely win an argument, for starters, and constantly does things to undermine her authority. It'd be a totally unbalanced, unhealthy relationship. Why do people think House/Cuddy is cute? At least with Wilson, there's a few shreds of respect, and House admits to actually caring about Wilson. Wilson actually wins in arguments with House occasionally. Also, they'd be so cute together. Wilson's freaking adorable. And hell, it wouldn't be too far from cannon: the characters stated in the show that Amber = female House, and Wilson admitted to only really being happy around Amber and House. It's the writers' whims away from being cannon. Gimme Hilson over Huddy any day. I'm glad that it looks like the Cuddy's baby storyline looks like it's going to resolve in adoption after all.... I had heard rumours that House or Wilson would be the father. x_x Looks like the rumours are getting nipped in the bud! Huzzah!

Neon Genisis Evangelion - Shinji with pretty much anyone other than Asuka (although I wouldn't say the writers ignored other combinations; between all the art surrounding the show, some storylines, games, and certain episodes, there's pretty much something for everyone). I just can't help but think that Asuka/Shinji would end in domestic abuse and a restraining order. They're both screwed up beyond being capable of just coping with each other, let alone being capable of showing love and support for each other. I mean damn, even Touji would be better for Shinji than Asuka, and he's the straightest pilot-aged boy in the whole damn franchise!
Preferably Kaworu/Shinji since Kaworu's the only person in the whole damn show who has any emotional maturity. He's the only one capable of even trying to help Shinji through his issues, and the only one capable of telling Shinji his/her feelings.
Although from what I've heard of Mana (video game only character), she's not too bad for Shinji either.

Fullmetal Alchemist - Roy Mustang/Ed Elric (as if my avatar didn't make it obvious). ... I just find it appealing.

RENT - Joanne/Mark. The Tango Maureen sequence makes me want them to get together and tell Maureen to go fuck herself. Seriously, am I the only one who felt a moment of chemistry between the two?

Revolutionary Girl Utena TV -
 - Utena/Anthy. It's not entirely 100% official in the show, but it's like 99% official. They even kiss in one of the ending themes and there's some mildly erotic imagery in the show involving these two together. Apparently they're a little more official in the movie, but that's an alternate version.
 - Ruka/Jury. Why is it in the non-cannon straight parings I like, the chicks are usually lesbians?
 - Touga/Saiyonji. I actually don't like either of these characters, but I think they'd make a decent couple based on their behaviour around each other in the last few episodes. They're very funny together.
And I think Touga's genuinely gay in the TV series but hasn't realised it yet. I mean, even though he sleeps around with a gazillion women, they all mean nothing to him. The only woman who actually catches his interest is Utena, and Utena's pretty much a female boy. There's also the fact that Akio and possibly Saiyonji are the only repeat sexual partners Touga is seen with in the show (all the women he's seen in a naughty context with are like one-use only). Touga respects and takes orders from Akio for the most part. Even though Touga's rather heartless toward Saiyonji early on, the two seem to have resolved their difference in the last third of the story and are back to being friends, and Saiyonji's all over Touga in one scene. If he's gay, that'd explain why he only feels something for Utena and other men while feeling empty with all the girls.

Star Trek-
 - The Doctor/Seven. Wow, a non-canon straight pairing where the chick isn't gay, in my list? It's more likely than you think. I just think the way they developed Doctor's crush was cute. The Doctor is one of my favourite Voyager characters so I want to see him happy. I do like Chacotay/Seven as a pairing though, so it's no real loss (though it lacked build up! It was like, "oh crap, the series is ending soon; better do this pairing if we're going to do it!").
- Archer/Tucker. Is it just me, or were there times where there were serious homoerotic vibes coming from Archer? I haven't seen very many episodes of Enterprise though, so I'm basing this solely on a few episodes, and I'm aware that both are interested in T'Pol at various points. I can tell from certain episodes throughout the franchise that the writers want to hit on a theme or two involving homosexuality, but they're very shy about it and love finding some way to skirt around it. x.x "Oh no, they're not really both girls; one's just possessed by a male alien. And T'Pol doesn't have HIV, but she has a Vulcan brain-effecting equivalent with comparable social stigma that she got from being brain raped."
And the actor who plays Archer is charming in drag (yay for Quantum Leap).

Lord of the Rings - Frodo/Samwise. You mean it isn't cannon? :o Because damn, it can't get more blatantly obvious than that!

Harry Potter
 - Harry/Draco.
 - Sirius/Lupin. Again, you mean it isn't cannon? Even the actor who plays Lupin thought Lupin was gay at one point. XD
 - James/Snape. Just for fun, not for serious.

(I accidentaly deleted the quote block the first time so I'm re-posting this.)

shippers, writer's block, relationships

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