(no subject)

May 31, 2007 22:54

I haven't written in a while, and since I'm going to China in 10 days and may not have access to LiveJournal all summer ('cause who knows with China...) I figured I'd update now.

So tonight I went to this philosophy awards ceremony with almost all grad students, but it was cool 'cause since I'm in the honors program all my classes are with grad students...but they were giving out all sorts of grad-awards, and then there was an award for an undergrad. Yeah, I got the Gadsetfelder award (spelling a maybe) - AND $500!! Yeah! Baby! So total this quarter I've been awarded $1,000 Dean's Scholarship for going to China, $1,000 Daniel K Shao scholarship for going to China, $600 travel grant, and $500 for being a philosophy kid. That's $3,100 earnings for the quarter. Yeah. Baby.

p.s. state schools = a good fucking deal.

Basicially life has been awesome lately. I'm almost not ready to leave for China yet, I'm having so much fun here. But I'm very much ready to be done with my 4 finals, 5 final papers, and 3 final projects. Yikes.
I'm also sad that I prolly won't be back in Cinci any time soon. Perhaps at the very end of the summer I'll stop by for a day or two - but my parents are trying to sell the house and move away, which means that when I go to Cinci, it'll be just to see ya'll. And to think, it was already 4 years ago that I was freaking out about Lazar's Chemistry final. Jesus.

Anyway - on to projects. I miss ya'll being in person.
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