Adventures in Japan (Part 2.5)

Sep 19, 2009 22:59

I'm bored so I figured I post a little quick update.

We went to Ikebukuro today. Every time I hear the names of the stops on the JR Yamanote line (especially Ikebukuro), I think of the YT video my Japanese sensei showed us last year. I cannot for the LIFE of me remember what it's called though, otherwise I would totally show it to you all.

So first. I was really excited because I wanted to see some big city life, even though I had to miss VS Arashi in order to do so. We got on the train and as I was standing there looking at the gazillion ads around me, I saw an add for non-no. I didn't think much of it until I saw the little Arashi picture in the corner XD. Then I read that it said 12 page special book inside! And that became my new mission for Ikebukuro: to find a non-no magazine to buy. (it was mad easy, first shop we went into XD). We went to two Uniqlos, huge department stores, and the Hello Kitty store. Everything was so cute! I definitely need to go back when it's a day I'm planning to spend money.In Hello Kitty there was this TV playing music and stuff. I happened to glance over at it at one point and guess who I saw! DBSK MV! Woot! I got pretty excited. (I saw the CM that the song is for when we got back as well) I bought a Hello Kitty towel since I didn't bring mine to Japan. It was the cheapest one I could find so I don't regret it at all, plus it's Hello Kitty so it's adorable~

On the way back to the dorms, we bought some delicious bread from the supermarket thing underground at the Ikebukuro station. Oh and did I mention that we went back around 4:30? I was so scared that it was going to be like this: CLICK, we even saw the officers with the white gloves standing at the ready. But it wasn't. It was actually pretty empty. The trains in Tokyo are SO much nicer than NY. No graffiti. No nasty smells. Cushioned seats. Plenty of....balance stabilizers. Little tvs showing ads and what station is next. (I really wanted some au arashi ads, but all I got were tons of Asahiya beer, Nakai making funny faces ads).

That's it really...we went grocery shopping and to Book Off. Didn't get anything there, even though some of the singles were a whopping 300 yen.

No pictures because my camera died...right at the beginning of the trip. Boo.
I'm getting a phone tomorrow! I really wanted au (for obvious reasons) but decided to go with Softbank because that's what tons of people here are getting, so the messaging will be free. I'm so so so excited!

And I really have to start studying for the placement exam. 150 kanji, tons of vocab, and tons and tons of grammar -__-

Guess I should go to sleep now. I'm quite tired. Sorry for the random boring pictureless post! You can ignore it if you want...

japan, random

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