Baby Dalphin

Aug 24, 2008 07:08

Baby Dalphin
Originally uploaded by ZetaroseJack and I had our big ultrasound last week. I was really excited about it, but also nervous. I've always been kind of a worrier but since becoming pregnant it's become a 10 times works I think. Even so I don't think I had really realized just how much I had been worried about this appointment until after it was all over with. I was so elated to find out that everything was completely normal and just as it should be. Jack and my mom came with me to the appointment and it was so special to share this with them. Jack held my hand as they did the ultrasound and we all just sat in silence while she showed us each part of our new little baby. It was simply amazing. We got to see it moving around and stretching. I'm not sure it liked all the poking and prodding, Lol. Of course we also got to see and hear the heart beating again. They even gave us a video of the ultrasound but unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to convert the dvd files to files I can post online, but grandparents need not worry we have made extra copies to send out to those who couldn't be with us.

ultrasound, baby

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