Dec 31, 2004 19:40
Well it's New Years Eve and I felt I should update. In an hour or so we'll be heading over to M and R's for a night of fondue and games. I'm sure there will be some Cranium Turbo played, Trivial Pursuit, and possibly some Cheap Ass games! It should be a good time. Reflecting on this past year I would say overall this has been a difficult year. A lot of good things have happened but it has also been pretty stressful too. At the start of the year I was recovering from my surgery and then Jack had surgery himself over the summer. This has been probably the worst year I've had at work as far as stress levels go, and school was pretty rough too (especially last semester). However, good things happened too. Jack and I spent another wonderful year together, we got to spend two weeks in camp over the summer, we bought a house which is something I never thought I'd do, Jack's family got to spend Thanksgiving with us in our new house, and I made it through the horrible semester and have only two more classes to take before I get my masters! We are healthy, happy, and have a lot to be thankful for. I don't always make resolutions for the New Year, but this year I thought I would. First of all, I want to try harder to leave the stress of work at work. I don't want to bring it home with me anymore and burden my loved ones with it. Secondly, I want to make more time for the things that are important like spending more quality time with my husband, friends, and family. I also want to try to stay more positive about everything in general. Lastly, I want to try to be a better journal keeper, both online and off. I used to write in my journal all the time and I love going back and reading over the years and seeing how much has changed, and what hasn't. Lately, I've been so busy and wrapped up in daily life that I've just kind of slacked off a lot on writing. I would give anything if I would have kept a better journal when Jack and I were dating and first married. I would love to go back and read about the excitement of those first few months when we were starting our life together. Oh well, I will just have try and do a better job of keeping up a journal from now on. I know there were some more resolutions that I was thinking about, but now I can't seem to think of them. Maybe I'll think of them later. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the year to come, and I hope everyone has a wonderful, and safe New Years!
new year's resolutions,
new year