Room 303, Laaaaate Friday After the Girlkissy Party

Feb 17, 2012 09:55

So, kissing girls but not actually going any further with them? Not actually all that helpful in resolving restlessness, it needed to be said.

And Rebecca had -- somehow -- managed to get out of that party without bringing anyone back to her room. Yes, it shocked her too. So, frustrated, she returned to her room in the tiny shorts and tank top that constituted her pajamas, threw the door open with just a bit more force than was strictly necessary, and proceeded to march over to her dresser to take off her earrings so that she could just get into bed already.

Then she dropped one and had to bend down to pick it up, huffing all the while about stupid earrings and stupid dressers and a whole host of things that really ought not to be blamed for any of this, thanks.

[[for one, NSFW, and up early due to this thing called a timezone]]

what: getting some, mood: frustrated as hell, mood: down to f&#^, event: sex pollen, person: peter "hot for politics" wiggin, what: kind of a ho, what: basically the new chuck bass

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