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Jan 28, 2010 01:47

Personal Information
Name: Ro
Personal LJ: forgo
Email / AIM / MSN: EMAIL: roorat[at]gmail[dot]com | AIM: jolted volt

Character Information
Character Name: Doctor Impossible (canon tells us his real first name is Jonathan)
Fandom: Soon I Will Be Invincible by Austin Grossman
Timeline: Right after the end of the book.
Source: Wiki!

Character History: Every school has one - the nerdy kid who doesn't quite fit in. Hailed by his teachers for his brilliance, and mocked by his peers. Little Jonathan was that kid. Sent to a special high school, one claiming to be for extremely smart children (but also one that produced a startling amount of superheroes in the process. Coincidence? Discuss), which is where he met Jason. Jason was the popular, good-looking jock - the one who always seemed to be the source of all of Jonathan's torment. And he remained as such well past their high school days, and well into their Harvard ones.

At which point, Jonathan was given free reign of one of the science labs to run tests on his newly-developed Zeta Dimension theories. (What the Zeta Dimension is, I have no clue. So don't ask. The book tends to focus more on the people than the mechanics of their world or their powers.) The accident that followed was simply that - an accident. Nevermind that Jason had just stolen his girlfriend, he walked into the testing area himself. And hey, look, he got cool superpowers out of it. Jason never finished college, and instead chose to use his newfound powers for good. He became CoreFire, one of the world's greatest superheroes.

This began a steady downward spiral in Jonathan's academic career. Genius though he was, he began failing classes, choosing instead to spend his time in the library or the labs. He was going to perfect his Zeta theories, even if it killed him. He became known as "the Zeta Beam Guy" around campus, and even in his seventh year of college, was still a sophomore. He was biding his time. Anything to keep using the school's resources.

Harvard eventually booted him, so he moved on to grad school. There is where his future would truly take shape.

There was, big surprise, a huge lab accident. Jonathan was buried under the rubble of the wrecked lab and completely missed by rescue teams and paramedics. When he finally regained consciousness, there was something… different about him.

He had superpowers.

Now armed with superhuman strength, and skin impervious to most things (like oh, say… bullets), along with his already genius intellect, he crawled out of the wreckage to begin a new life. One as a supervillain. Jonathan died in that accident, and Doctor Impossible was born.

For twenty-two years he tried to take over the world in every way imaginable: doomsday devices of all varieties (nuclear, thermonuclear, nanotechnological) and mass mind control. He's traveled backwards in time to change history, forward in time to escape it. He's commanded robot armies, insect armies, and dinosaur armies. Fungus army. Army of fish. Of rodents. Alien invasions. All failures. Thwarted by CoreFire - his own creation, his nemeses even now - time and again. He's been in and out of prison twelve times now, and just narrowly escaped his thirteenth.

After all, if there's one thing he's learned from years of villainy, it's this: You just keep going. You keep trying to take over the world.

Character Personality: Even from the beginning, he knew he was going to fail. All villains fail. But Jonathan would be damned if he remained that kid. The geeky nobody. The lunchroom pratfaller.

Above everything else, he wants to be noticed. He wants CoreFire to remember him- that kid that he teased in school. He wants that cute reporter he keeps kidnapping to realize it's him, John, who she shared occasional lunches with at Harvard, behind the mask. He wants Harvard to invite him back, to that he can storm in through the doors, cape billowing, and show them all that he isn't some oddball failure.

Maybe that's part of the reason why he monologues about his plans- or has to constantly make a conscious effort not to monologue.

Even as a supervillain, he's socially awkward. He's never been much-liked by his peers, and of the scores of evil metahumans out there, he was only ever close to two of them. He works alone, primarily. If it's advantageous, he might form an alliance or two, but of the villains of his world, he's in a league far above the rest, and mostly uses the small-timers as his errand boys.

Still, he's no fool. He's sharp, observant. Always thinking three steps ahead. He has amazing patience- you have to in order to build robot armies and evil fortresses by yourself. He will try- and has tried- any means to get what he wants.

His mannerisms are dry, and matter-of-fact, and maybe a little resigned, most of the time. Until he puts on the cape and mask, and then it's all bravado, all theater.

Powers: Doctor Impossible is, of course, a genius. You don't pick up the title "smartest man in the world" for nothing, you know. He has an eidetic memory, and his IQ is well over 300 - and he's done nothing but hone his intellect over the years. The man can build a supercomputer out of a desktop PC, some odds and ends found at the local Radio Shack, and plastic cups from Burger King. Not kidding.

The Accident gifted him with a few superhuman tricks as well. His skin can stop bullets with mild bruising at worst, though this also means he doesn't feel hot or cold, or even pain very much at all. A punch to the face feels like a gust of wind against his skin, even if the force is enough to send him head over heels. Beat on him enough, however, and the pain will become more prominent.

He also possesses superhuman speed. He's wicked fast when he wants to be, though he claims he can't quite dodge bullets (though, to be fair, he doesn't really have the need).

Last, but not least, he's incredibly strong. He can rip ATMs out of walls, or uproot streetlights without much effort.

First person:

It's the oldest trick in the book.

Any villain worth his salt would know this little ruse, but not many have the balls to go through with it. The trick? Blend in. Act. Make them think you're on their side.

No one would dare, least of all someone of my caliber. Of my world-renown villainy. No, I've dug myself in a hole far too deep to get out of where that's concerned. Any hero willing to trust me should hang up their cape right now.

Except here.

I'm safe here. Those damnable Champions couldn't know of this place- I didn't even know of it until now. I was pulled in, purely by accident. No one here knows me, the real me, save those... "Trans Techs", who, quite frankly, probably see me as no more a threat as they would an insect. Such is the bliss of a multidimensional crossing point like this - "Doctor Impossible: the Smartest Man in the World" does not exist here. I'm merely another wayward traveler. Trapped here like anyone else. I will make friends, forge alliances, and quietly plan and plot and they will be none the wiser.

You see, I plan to make use of the resources in this place. Endless tech from numerous worlds and times. This place is any scientist's dream, let alone that of a mad one hell-bent on world domination. I will take whatever I can get my hands on, and I will build something the likes of this place has never seen before.

Sssh. Do you hear that? That's the sound of Doomsday approaching.

Third Person:

He kept mainly to areas inhabited by organics. Humans, cyborgs, smaller mechs. Until he could complete his new Power Staff- a veritable Swiss Army knife of gadgetry, and what with the technology available, this new one would far outclass its predecessors- and until he learned more about Cybertronians in general, he was going to play it safe. It was far, far too early in the game to be staring down a thirty-foot-tall mech anyway, so he kept it small. This bank fit the bill perfectly. Small in size, in terms of both the building and the clientele.

His new costume was red with gold trim. Red gloves, weighted and armored along his fingers for added damage on top of his already considerable strength, with gold-edged fins. The space-age, Jetsons look was practically his signature, after all. Red tunic, and red tights- a fabric of his own design, built to be fire resistant, water resistant, impervious to bullets, radiation, and most lasers- though the scale of weaponry in the Nexus was largely unknown to him, so it was immune to most lasers he knew about. The helmet and mask had taken some figuring. That had been the biggest delay to Axiom Nexus' introduction to the infamous Doctor Impossible. Special features had to be added where they were never needed before- devices to scramble retina scanning, and facial recognition programs. A voice alteration device. He was going to rob a bank in a city of robots, for Christ's sake. He had a secret identity worth protecting now, and if he was discovered, if it ever came to light that average, unassuming Jonathan was a masked maniac bent on world domination, then he was as good as deported. And genius would only get you so far in a desert universe.

But it was worth the effort, he noted as he stepped through the smoking hole that his clever little bomb had created in the side of the building, crimson cape billowing behind him. People stared, half in shock from the explosion, half in awe.

Someone got brave- some cyborg with metal limbs that were painted just one shade off from their natural flesh color. It made them look like some kind of ridiculous doll- a badly painted children's toy. They were fast, he would give them that, but he was in his element- and, for all intents and purposes, he scanned human, if a little off. This doll-man was gravely underestimating him, and the sickening crunch when he caught an off-colored wrist in his hand was satisfying. He threw his attacker easily, with enough force to knock free a good chunk of concrete from one of the bank's support beams.

Oh, how he'd missed this. The theatrics, the looks on new, fresh faces, as they encountered someone, something, they'd never seen before. This was good. This was a rush. This brought him back to the glory days of supervillainy.

He whipped around, facing the security camera, a wide, manic grin on his face. "Citizens of Axiom Nexus!" He boomed, his artificially altered voice magnified through his clever little device. "I... am Doctor Impossible!"

ooc, app, tears for fears lyrics go go go

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