+ I love, love, love winter olympics. I just prefer them in Europa, the time difference (9 hours!) sucks. I ended up watching Olympics in the evening until I fell asleep two times now ;) Oh, and I'd love to have a pair of these awesome gloves with the maple leaf on the inside!
Do you watch them? I mostly focus on Biathlon and all skiing disciplines + random stuff that is shown when I turn on tv.
Aksel Lund Svindal, my personal favourite won yesterday's Super-G. :)
+ School is time consuming at the moment. We're writing our last test papers before our final exams and everyone is getting a little insane. I wrote Geography yesterday (4.5 hours...), went quite well I think. Biology and English in the next two weeks.
+ Meme I saw at
1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.
Well, the nearest book, my dearest Nero Corleone ♥ does not have 123 pages, haha. So I take the second-nearest one: "Van Gaal glaubt an persönliche Kommunikation und die Verbesserung der Mannschaft durch konstruktive Kritik. Er ermutigt seinen Stab und seine Spieler, sich selbst und andere zu kritisieren. Van Gaals ehemaliger Assistenztrainer Gerard van der Lem hat ein Foto von sich und van Gaal an der Wand hängen, aufgenommen im Mai 1992, am Abend, als Ajax den UEFA-Pokal gewann. Van der Lem hält den Pokal hoch, und van Gaal hält van der Lem hoch - er trägt seinen Freund auf den Schultern. Van Gaals für gewöhnlich strenges Gesicht strahlt vor Begeisterung, und er sieht gar nicht aus wie ein Diktator."
(David Winner - Oranje brillant, a book I highly recommend for all football fans, not just admirers of Dutch football.)
+ Still 0:0 right now for my boys.