Weekend was alright, spent sunday and yesterday in Weimar, city of Schiller and Goethe, with my German class. I expected it to be worse but the trip turned out alright, the five hours each way in the bus weren't THAT fun but acceptable because the bus driver was a big McDonald's fan. XD
I had no school today and tomorrow our whole school (aka 900 people) starts a "project week" to renovate the school. It'll be a total chaos. I will paint a wall in Keith Haring style with children from grade 6, should turn out fine. Because our grade is now the oldest one, we mostly take care the little ones don't make the buildings even uglier than before. :D
Step 1: Put your MP3 player or whatever on random.
Step 2: Post the first line from the first 15 songs that play, no matter how embarrassing.
Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song and artist the lines come from.
Step 4: Strike the songs when someone guesses correctly.
#1: Well you got so good, you live for the action.
#2: I broke into your house last night and left a note on your bedside. Spitting Games - Snow Patrol
#3: Something brought me here to stay but for a reason hard to see.
#4: Climb, climb into the rocket and we set the fuse to go, go, go.
#5: For my sweetheart, the melancholic, you have crossed the river styx.
#6: It started with a low light. Spaceman - The Killers
#7: When you refuse me you confuse me. Not coming home - Maroon 5
#8: Help me escape this feeling of insecurity. Relight my fire - Take That
#9: You used to get it in your fishnets, now you only get it in your night dress
#10: Yes, it's been long and yes, i still feel strong
#11: Sucker love is heaven sent. Every me, every you - Placebo
#12: Irgendwer kam auf die Idee noch einmal in die Stadt zu fahrn.
#13: So I look in your direction but you pay me no attention, do you? Coldplay - Shiver
#14: I'm not sayin' it's your fault although you could've done more. Naive - The Kooks
#15: So if you're lonely, you know I'm here waiting for you. Franz Ferdinand - Do you want to
Happy belated birthday to
lfcgermany and
abbichicken! D I hope both of you spent a nice day.