Jun 17, 2004 12:04
It stopped raining (for now anyway) and it seems the field is safe. It looks like someone just opened the gates and drove in circles on the driveway. Since we can't find the locks anywhere we're pretty sure it was an employee. Our guess is that they let themselves in the realized we might know it was them because the locks weren't broken. If these kids weren't so dumb they might be dangerous....
The TMMOD is over and it went pretty well. I only got a mild butt chewing (on stuff I can't control, as usual) and Mr. M/P wasn't too displeased with the numbers. I'm going to work on a couple more reports this afternoon to send to him and then I think I'll go home early and make up for getting up at 5 to finish the meeting stuff. I didn't finish it yesterday because we left early to see The Chronicles of Riddick. It's a bad thing to be sitting in a theatre and wishing they'd made the movie based on a fan fiction story- because most of the Pitch Black fan fic I've read is head and shoulders above what made it to the screen. I was wishing they'd catch up with Jack but about five minutes after they did I started wishing her dead. Thirty minutes into the movie I was forced to take Vin Diesel OFF of my fuckable list. Yes, it was that bad. I've drooled over Mr. Diesel for so long, endured XXX and that dumb Man Apart movie, but this was so bad that not only will I no longer abandon my family for him; I wouldn't do him at all. I want my two hours back.