My weekend

May 28, 2007 23:04

So my cat has been released from kitty prison which is nice because it's a pain in the but to have her locked up in the bathroom. She was getting kitty litter all over the floor. She's much happier and must be feeling better because she really fights having the elizabethian collar put back on, so now I'm leaving it on all the time unfortunately for her. She has 13 days of antibiotics to take and she should be good as new.

Yeah, I don't really remember what we did on Friday night...oh yeah, sauerkraut pizza and tv after a nice nap.

Saturday morning we went to my Dad's land in Prairie Farm, WI for my son's birthday adventure. We grilled hamburgers under a nice little tarp thankfully because shortly after it began to rain. My dad hid three different metal items in the ground and let A use a map and a metal detector to locate them. Aside from the rain, it was a great time. We attempted to have coffee in New Richmond but unfortunately the coffee shop was closed. We had a lite supper at a little cafe and then we were on our way.

Sunday we slept in, I didn't know we were that tired. Missed church, darn it, oh well.  We had to get up and get some cleaning done. I was pretty pleased with as far as we got considering the mess. P was downstairs and I was upstairs. I also kept on teh boy to do things as I could direct him to. It feels so much better right now, let's try and keep it that way everyone!  Got to my mom's (late as usual) and went through some stuff as she's really getting ready to downsize and sell in the next 6-9 months. My older sister who lives in Ames is also in the process of downsizing because she's moving to Indianapolis to start seminary. My younger sister is very anal doesn't like much clutter and I think has mostly furnished her townhouse(although, to me it looks a little hotel like). My mom started with a lot of cut glass kinds of things which I don't think any of us particularly care for but they are family things. Fortunately my mom is going to mostly keep everything that is more important until she sees where she's going and how much she can keep. I got a few things. The other things like antique furniture, I have no connections to and really don't want to keep them because then I'd have to take care of them. and I've got enough in my house! P came with and kept herself busy but I'm glad she did because I was able to show her a really cute little doll house type thing (It was really only one room) that was in my family. Afterwards we went to a local drive in that has been recognized on the food network for their rasberry shakes. P and I actually had one of the peppermint ones. Brought some food home for teh boy and showed them the TV room that P redecorated and played guitar hero. P and I thought about going to a bonfire but we were too tired.

Today I was up early, and let P sleep since she's got to work tonight (and I'm off for the next 2 weeks). I balanced my check book, straightened up the area near the furnance since quotes started coming in today. I had planned on only having 2 but turns out after talking to a friend of mine that I will be having 5 total. Next week will be when I plan to have the work done. After P woke up and after the furnance guys left, we went to a bbq with friends, it was very nice to see everyone. C has been giving the best hugs lately! We came home and P was going to go to bed after I read to her but she couldn't settle down, I just kept reading to her (we've been reading "A Million Little Pieces") and finally just before she could get a little more than an hour of sleep, she finally relaxed).

Tomorrow is a 9am quote, cable guy to fix our HDTV and take teh boy for his driving permit test.

I sure wasn't tired about an hour ago but I'm ready for sleep now. 

time off, house, love, weekend, life, family, friends, boy

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