Technical Geek Speak

Nov 15, 2004 17:48

Squirrel Training.

Either you deal with squirrels on a daily basis or you relate to one of the squirrels listed below. So when you see that acorn sticker on your piece of equipment you’ll know why it’s there. All acorn stickers are circular.

In my wonderings as a technician I’ve found that there are three types of squirrels in the field.

1. The Good Squirrels. (Acorn on Green)
a. You place the squirrel and the nut in the same room.
b. The squirrel looks at you awaiting instructions.
c. “Look at the nut.” Squirrel looks at nut.
d. “Go to the nut.” Squirrel approaches the nut and stands by it.
e. “Pick up the nut.” Squirrel holds the nut in its paws.
f. “Eat the nut.” Squirrel stuffs the nut in his mouth cheeks.
g. Both the squirrel and I am happy with the end results.

2. The Insecure Squirrels. (Acorn on Yellow)
a. You place the squirrel and the nut in the same room.
b. Squirrel shakes with fear.
c. “Look at the nut.” Squirrel looks briefly.
d. “Go to the nut.” Squirrel quivers in place.
e. “Go to the nut!” Squirrel approaches the nut.
f. “Pick up the nut.” Squirrel shakes its head vigorously.
g. “Pick up the nut!” Squirrel passes out.
h. Sadly you must go to the location and pick up the nut for the squirrel. At least the nut
isn’t damaged.

3. The Bad Squirrels. (Acorn on Red)
a. You place the squirrel and the nut in the same room.
b. The squirrel dashes over to the nut, grabs it, and stuffs it up the wrong cheeks.
c. The squirrel looks at you with a pained expression of, “What did I do wrong?”
d. You knew before you started you’d have to go to this job site. It’s too late for both the
squirrel and the nut.

For all you good squirrels out there, “Happy eating!” For you bad squirrels, “Well there must be something worse than constipation.” For the rest of you squirrels, “Find another line of work, please.”
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