DCnU stuff

Feb 12, 2012 13:50

The DCnU has been a bit of a mixed bag for me so far. I've tried a number of titles (The Flash, Batman and Robin, Superboy, Teen Titans, Detective Comics, flicked through a few of the new Batgirl comics and did the biggest lineface over it then proceeded to buy the last of the Steph-as-Batgirl collections of the run) and so far it's been underwhelming.

On the other hand, Batwoman and Birds of Prey are so awesome that I can't even.

Batwoman has a wonderful art-style, amazing storylines and the characters oh my god. Kate is a wonderfully conflicted person who isn't quite sure she's ready to be a role-model. I hesitate to say she's as consumed by the Mission as Bruce, but she has a lot of her own unique issues.

The storyline is suitably creepy/gutwrenching enough, and what happened to Bette-

I really want to see what happens next, there.

Also, Maggie/Kate is so sweet that - d'awwwww even if I prefer Renee/Kate but that there was a clusterfuck of issues.

Anyhow. Watching out for Batwoman with great enthusiasm.

I got into Birds of Prey reluctantly, for the same reason as I'm boycotting the current run of Batgirl. The loss of Oracle from continuity is a dealbreaker - and the old Batgirl and Birds of Prey titles are where I miss her influence the most. Oracle made the original Birds of Prey team, she ran the show - how could Birds of Prey work without it?

Well, I'm glad I climbed on (even if I was late) because while I was skeptical of this new team, my fears were misplaced and this comic is like the best thing since sliced bread. I thought I was going to struggle, what with not knowing most of the characters all that well (aside from Black Canary in a reasonbly limited sense and Poison Ivy as a villain).

Birds of Prey introduces Starling as a new hero, who is pretty much a badass normal. She keeps up well with the metahumans on the team, she's smart, she's awesomely funny and she's very competant.

Additionally, I also love Dinah (Black Canary) like, x1000 more than I used to. I'm liking her new costume and she's a great narrator. The idea of forming the team appears to be hers, in DCn, and while she ran her ideas through Babs, it's her show at the moment.

I'd never encountered Katana before, and I'm not sure if she's a new addition to DC or if I've simply missed her. Either way, I'm actually growing quite fond of her role on the team and her camaradie with the other members. Her training fight with Black Canary particularly stands out.

I was so conflicted over Ivy. I've always known Ivy to be a villain, so to have her on this team (as shades-of-grey as it is) was a little... weird. She's still pretty cold and venomous, and I'm not sure of her motivatons yet (issue... #5 or #6 has a partial reveal) but it's looking great so far.

We've had Batgirl in the last two issues, and her dynamic with Black Canary is still amazing. Different from before, but amazing nonetheless. I've started to ship it - this makes it so hard to keep boycotting the current Batgirl title so eurgh.

batwoman, birds of prey, comics, dc

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