Snow, Writing, Final Fantasy, Dark Cloud, and... TTGL
"Comment to this post saying 'I like cheese!' and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back at me). Other people (including me~) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself."
Association questions from
lumati Snow - Well, haha, not really sure what to say here, because Snow is actually only my fifth favourite among the playable cast of FFXIII (but before Vanille). I think there's a strong association between Snow and me, because when I first started posting at
ff_land, my only Monk icon was this Snow one. Since I was very active, what with the original 30-Day Meme, plus the fact that the official stamp I use is also Snow... there started to be this association? And then I perpetuated it by getting like, a gazillion more Snow icons.
But aside from that, I do find that I like Snow. Sure, during the game, I alternate between liking him and wanting to hit him, but overall I find him an interesting character conceptually. I like the fact that he tries to have courage of his convictions, and tries to keep everyone smiling in spite of the grim scenario. I think the writers could have done a better job with him (less repetition of the same things) but I don't think he's an inherently bad character.
I enjoy writing from his PoV in stories, and I've grown to really love his alternate reality form in Howl, the Moon!
Writing - I've been writing since forever. One of the first fanfics I ever wrote was when I was seven, and it was my own version of Balto. This was because I really wanted to see the movie, and Mum was very slow in taking me and my sisters to see it. In annoyance, I wrote the little story, illustrated it myself and then mum made me show it to the class. Cue the entire class laughing at the little love story I'd done, and I've been paranoid about writing out-and-out romance ever since. I'm still slowly getting over this aversion... *cough*
But yeah, I've been writing since then, original stuff, derivative stuff, fanfiction. I've been on since 2004, and my first fanfics on the site were Jak and Daxter related (they've been removed a very long time ago). Been considering orphaning the stories on AO3, just because, but they're still sitting on my hard-drive, a testament to how much a young writer can grow in the short space of a year, and 72,000 words.
I'll never delete it entirely, because it's a part of my past and my growth, even if reading over my old stuff makes me cringe.
Final Fantasy - Started playing this when I was... 14 or so? So around 2004-2005, and the first one I played was FFX. I think what got me was, the battle system was turn-based (like Pokemon) and the fact that I loved the atmosphere of the world. I quickly grew to like the characters and sympathize with their varied points of view. I cared about these characters. The bittersweet ending only made me love the game even more. The fact that it felt like my heart had been torn out and stomped on made me linger on the game in my memory, so the point where it was all I could think about.
After that, I played FFVIII, FFX-2, FFXII, FFVII(+Crisis Core, watched Advent Children), tried to play FFIII, played FFIV, and so on.
My major fandoms in Final Fantasy are XIII, Dissidia, and I read a little VII fanfiction, even if I'm not really ready to write for it.
Dark Cloud - Wow, Dark Cloud?! Really? :D
This is a little surprising, but alright! Back when my parents first bought the PS2, it came with a demo disk of current games. It contained trailers for things like Jak and Daxter, Devil May Cry, and playable demos for things like Airblade and most importantly, the original Dark Cloud.
I played the hell out of that demo. On a good run, I could actually go around 9 levels of a dungeon in the space of the 15 minutes the demo lasted. That is a pretty good time, as I was able to complete the duel with Seda and obtain Xiao's Atla. Anyhow, since my parents are pretty controlling, I never got to play the full version of the game for years. By the time I was allowed to buy games myself... that game was so bloody rare that I could cry.
Somehow I encountered another copy, and I bought it without a second thought. Since then? I have never seen another copy of Dark Cloud on sale here. Talk about a timely buy. *rolls eyes*
Anyhow, again I played the hell out of it. Loved it to bits. It was the fulfillment of a very old dream at that point, and even with the clunky controls and iffy graphics, I had so much fun. I stat maxed, I powerleveled, I collected and I fished.
I started to write a novellisation of the game, actually. Like, super detailed. Villagers-getting-chapters detailed. Looking back that might have been a bad idea, because writing the chapters became exhausting. A trial. I liked what I was doing well enough, but I had none of the passion that drove me. It burned out. I wanted to try other projects (such as Crimson Burst Angel, FFXIII stuff) and so the story sits at around 75,000 words (and only just up to Matataki Village).
TTGL - My favourite anime ever. The themes of going beyond the impossible really spoke to me, and Simon's courage of his convictions is one of those recurring themes I love. As someone who is not very confident, or is very... weak in terms of fighting for what I want, Simon's strength is nothing short of inspiring. Watching him fight and win, it makes me feel like I can take whatever life throws at me, that I can become a better person than I am.
TTGL contains my favourite canon pairing (that being Simon/Nia), my favourite concept of power (Spiral Energy) and my favourite Heroic Sacrifice (Kittan). I felt like the villains were both sympathetic but that didn't take away from their dangerousness (Lordgenome, the Anti-Spiral). The storyline, for a series that was largely winged, is surprisingly cohesive. I get chills in the first episode, as Simon inserts the Core Drill and the entire universe of possibilities opens up before his eyes...
That, and seeing how much more awesome the animators could make the fight scenes was pretty cool. They always seem to top the previous episode! Fuck, the second movie topped the entire last arc of the anime for me, just because of the Super Tengen Toppa, and the fact that the fate of the universe boiled down to the most manly and epic fistfight ever.