Meme Questions!

Apr 21, 2011 22:54

Questions from tjemd4
1. What FF character best reflects your personal philosophy on life?

Answering this one would probably require me having to identify exactly what my attitude to life is, which ranges from “You can do this shit!”, to my eternal doormat syndrome and some very powerful insecurity issues and very strong criticism of myself.

This is a hard question! After quite a bit of consideration, I’d actually say Tifa’s, which is probably why I avoid her character. Her flaws and her philosophy hit far too close to home for me to be really comfortable.

2. What's the strangest food you've ever eaten?

I’m not particularly that adventurous, so the strangest thing I’ve eaten is kangaroo. Which is Liv’s fault, because she likes the stuff and she was only too excited to make me eat it. After eating it, I can say that it’s not bad, but it has a very unique taste to it. I’d be able to pick it from a lot of different meats, anyhow.

3. If you were a professional wrestler or martial artist, what would your stage name be?

This is going to sound terrible, but I would totally call myself Garland, because then I could wear a suit of armour say in victory, “I, Garland, have knocked you all down!”

Which is the way FFI should have ended, damnit.

4. You have been invited to a mandatory masquerade by the villains of the FF world: Sephiroth, Kefka, Gilgamesh, Ultimecia, and Seifer are there. You are allowed to bring one guest for self-defense if something goes wrong. Who will you bring and why?

I spent too long trying to think of a person who could take these bastards

After kicking up this huge fuss about having to go at all, I would invite Batman Bruce Wayne. After making him play all the Final Fantasy games first. Because you know what they say on the internet.

Nobody can beat Batman, given enough preparation time. :3

Failing that, Simon from Gurren Lagann. Not only is he this epically nice guy, HIS IS THE DRILL THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS! And I’d kinda like to see Kefka take a Super Tengen Toppa Giga Drill to the face.

5. I know you are a fan of Batman (and more importantly Robin's adult alter-ego). Have you liked any of the other more recent superhero films (Superman, Hulk, X-Men, Green Hornet, Iron Man, etc) and if so, which was your favorite?

Admittedly I’m not as well versed in other comic heroes as I am with Batman (and even then I’ve got patches missing) but of the latest super movies, the Iron Man movies have been my favourites. There’s this right balance of wise-cracks and action for me, while also adding a few softer moments.

The first movie had a better balance of this than the second, but it was still pretty damn good.

Haven’t seen the recent Hulk one (the one six or so years ago nearly put me to sleep though), and never got around to seeing the new Superman one. The X-Men ones were okay but it’d probably help if I was familiar with the comics.

X-Men Origins (Wolverine) was pretty ordinary. Though I might still be pouting over what they did to Deadpool. What were they thinking?!

Daredevil (which I saw recently too) was laughably bad, though that might be me having a strong association between Evanesence and badfic. Which led to me laughing at entirely inappropriate moments.

Next on the ‘To See’ list is Thor, and once again, I’m not very familiar with the material. But I’m hopeful! Also gearing up to see Green Lantern (my knowledge of Hal Jordan is pretty limited to Brave and the Bold, and JLoA) and Captain America.

Questions from sai_salamander
1) Favourite mode of transport inna FF game?
GDI. Um. So I’m going to say Chocobo-back! Nothing beats a giant, yellow roadrunner that seems to scare off fiends.

2) Book that you'd recommend to everyone!

Farseer Trilogy, by Robin Hobb. She actually does a good job with first person PoV, which I normally find off-putting. There’s also this sense of containment, that you only know as much as Fitz himself knows. There’s not a lot of cheating, though magic like the Skill, the Wit and her pre-chapter snippets of info are helpful.

For story, for emotional impact and such, Hobb ftw.

3) What's your favourite film, and why?

I’m going to show my poor taste and say Kill Bill, both volumes. Great action, great emotional impact, great plot and some kickass music to go with it. It was just a lot of fun to watch, and you don’t have to think too hard while you’re doing it.

4) Do you like hats? If so, which is the best kind?

I like hats. I’m currently wearing a FFVII cap. Backwards. Because it makes me look like an idiot, and I like to be honest! :3 I like to call it my Creative Hat, because I wear it while writing. Keeps my hair out of my face.

Hrm, what is the BEST kind of hat? The ones with cats in them, obviously.

5) Cactuar, Chocobo or Tonberry?!

Argh it depends if the tonberry is Ari or not. Because she goes stabbity a lot, bro. ;A;

I’m going to say Cactuar, because I feel for them and they tend to make me laugh. Like the Jumbo Cactuar with the moustache. Or the Cactuar summon in Crisis Core, which makes you imitate the pose. And then there’s my cactuar plushie (creatively named Sabotender) which my dog keeps stealing out of my room to chew on.

Chocobo just didn’t stand a chance.

Questions from sunflower_mynah
1. Pick any three characters in the FF fandom to shoot, shag or marry. (You may count this as two questions if you want.)

Okay, so I’ll do one for each?
Shoot: Who do I hate enough to shoot…? Probably Sephiroth, just to see fandom weep tears of blood. I don’t hate the guy, but the extended wankery would be fantastic.

Shag: LOL the problem is that I can’t think of these characters as much more than pixels. Um. Okay. I’m going to go for creepy, obsessive, angry Shuyin because well, at least he’s hot and if it’s a one-night deal, I could possibly avoid the other nasty stuff. Which reminds me of that Yuna/Shu fic I was planning.
Marry: *thinks of various FF characters and their inevitable issues* Hrm. I think Zell could make a good partner. He’s a good sport about everything!

2. You have just found out that the CAKE IS A LIE (oh no!) What do you do?

I would go inform Mario that he’s not getting his reward, because in my N64 game he’s still trying to save Peach. =/

Poor guy.

3. What's your favourite book/game genre?

Favourite book genre is usually fantasy, as I like my escapism and seeing people who are cooler than me do cool stuff. That’s a very shallow descriptor of why I like this genre, but it’s true.

Additionally there’s a whole lot of meta/worldbuilding aspects that I like about the fantasy genre, how magic is implemented and how it would affect the population. It’s usually my stance that sufficiently advanced magic should be a lot like a science, so unexplained medieval stasis bothers me.

Places like Spira are exempt, because. Well. The stasis is explained by Sin being a complete bastard and Yevon being a pack of tools! :3

How this affects biology and other races is also something interesting. I’m not keen on stock clichés for the genre, though, and if it even looks as if we’re going to get the generic elves/dwarves/men kind of dullness, I’ll put the book down. It’d have to take a very interesting theme to get me to read on.

Aside from the stupidity of the novels, that’s why I’m not a fan of Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle. Unoriginal, bullshit writing that takes a lot of shortcuts. =/

I also like that fantasy books can have vastly different rules of society than we have, compete with different values and things of importance.

4. Have you been RPing long and if you have, what do you normally play?

Never RP’d before, at least not before the Turks game. I’m not very good at thinking on my feet, so I’d slow a lot of games down and I tend to be pretty boring in interactions. Which is why, next Turks game, I am totally asking Eilia to include villains! Just so I can play scumbags without feeling guilty or OoC.

5. Your opinions on Twilight?

I respect my brain too much to read that bullshit. :3

My sisters are fans, though, same with a lot of my IRL friends.


And now, to try to get my writing quota done for the day! Tomorrow, I get to play the FFIV Complete Collection! *fistpump* It’s nice having the game on a system that I don’t have to borrow from Liv…

general idiocy

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