So, insomnia.

Apr 04, 2011 02:24

So I've started to realize, one day in, that participating in ff_land's Turks game might be a really, really bad idea for my overall productivity, since I'm RPing Kain rather than trying to write fanfiction.

Moderation, how does it work? *headdesk*

Okay. Okay. Plan of action?

Actually, I don't know how I'm going to make the time to write, play games and also do the things that mum deems acceptable uses of my time (handing out resumes, cleaning, social activities, gym...) so this is hard.

But I'm going to the beach this week, so I might get a bunch of stuff done down there. Hell, I might even get the whole of SWHN-6 done! So I guess I can be hopeful and optimistic. Mmph, it's 2:30AM and I need to sleep but I'm so tightly wound that I doubt I could. Brain is too active, you know? It's always that way with me.

There's too much to do at night! My creativity and drive is at its peak and if I go to bed I waste it all! And then I'm slow all the next day, 'til about 5pm. And then we're back to the start of the cycle, with AWESOME AND WIN and then slowness and fail.

So that doesn't sound very coherent but that might be because it's technically 3:30AM for my body, since daylight savings ended yesterday. :x

So, in conclusion, Z needs to learn how to shut up and shut off.

fandom, obsession, final fantasy, real life sucks

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