The only thing worse than an Lj with a grudging friends list run by someone who’s a control freak about his privacy and acts like he’s doing you a favour by sharing his inner ranting with you - is the self same aforementioned acting like you should all be heartbroken because his LJ is going on indefinite hiatus.
Since there has been more than enough of me talking about going without going, this is officially my last project zero post. Aw. I thought I’d take the freedom this allows to list everyone on my friends list and tell you name-by-name who I have on there because I like them and whos irritating whining I can’t stand but endure out of politeness. Hidden behind the Victorian petticoat of the Lj cut tag for those who prefer the mystery of not knowing.
You didn’t honestly think I was going to do that did you? Instead, more about me.
To round off the wild ride I figure I’d say thanks and do a last mention of a few points. Specific thanks to those in my neck of the woods who somehow managed to make me overcome my hatred of small talk and share beverage and booze. The recent Stoop - Danni, Krys, Cordy and the effervescent Alex and H. Bless you all for acting like I’m normal.
I hate the fact that I’ve enjoyed this, that I’ve learned stuff and that I’ve encountered people who’s opinions made more sense to me than my own. Fuck you all very much, I can’t thank you enough for taking me seriously. I think I’ll miss this enough to eventually come back.
Updates to things mentioned that you will never hear about again for those of you that hate loose ends.
I love highgate but I hate my house: I should be moving in the next month or so. Rejoice. Those of you that have my home addy will be updated as to my new locale. Ditto mobile phone number also being changed.
The 3D landscape that a bunch of you commented on and I promised to show you the final cut, isn’t finished yet but I’m leaving the 3D madness behind shortly (it’s year is also up) and the poor results will be on
Replacing the annoying 3D mess will be the book cover for my buddy I’ve been touted for. The publishers of his book liked my proposal so much that they have offered me another cover already without seeing even a prelim of my work. I love me. It will also wing it’s way to l-t-z at some point I’m sure.
Replacing my year of writing a lot in my diary will be writing of a far more frivolous nature. I’m as pleased about this as you are.
Anyone who wants enter the "will he ever answer" zero email lottery is very welcome to do so at zero @
Lastly - "have I seen Ly again?" I was going to ignore this one - but last week Dn was babysitting Ly when her mother was in London for the day working. I was outside w**k smoking when the phone went. Dn and I chatted a bit and she told me that she had asked Ly what she wanted to do. Ly associates being in London with seeing me and so had told Dn "visit Ady" - (Ady being my real name) Dn explained I was working but that they could phone me.
She handed the phone to Ly and she keened "Helooooooo Aaaaaady" at the top of her lungs. I asked her a few questions about her day and if she had seen "a bugs life" - she was mostly quiet, getting used to me again - that’s how it always goes.
Then like a switch clicking she launched into a stream of consciousness ramble - her life story of the past few months in sing-song not quite 3 year old speak. It wasn’t english, it was the delighted ravings of a joy filled innocent and it lasted a hystericaly funny full 5-10 minutes without a break. Then she paused and said "Bye Bye Aaaaaaaaady!" and blew two huge kisses into the phone and was gone.
It was the funniest thing I’d heard all year which made the stabbing pain in my chest just about bearable. Dn came back on the line laughing so hard she could barely talk and had to go. Just as well - I was speechless.