(no subject)

May 31, 2011 13:01

Title: A Mix of Fire and Lilac -P A R T o 1-
Fandom: Vampire Knight
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama and Romance
Pairing(s): Zero Kiryuu x Yuuki Cross-Kuran
Format: Prose
Time/Setting : Chapter 59-60 (a bit AU, obviously lol)
Summary:This is a contest entry for the Zero/Yuuki group on DA. Zero's and Yuuki's roles are switched, Yuuki being the vampire hunter/vampire and Zero being the pureblood vampire. With that in mind, I tried to preserve Yuuki's personality as much as I could despite her now being the "emo" one lol. I also wanted to establish Yuuki's twin, Chiyo, without her being too much like Ichiru. You know? Didn't want to copy him completely lol, cause Ichiru is such a cutie. <3 I probably failed majorly, though. Anyway, it's somewhat the same with the meeting of Zero and Yuuki and all that. But of course, I had to make Aidou less hands-on protective when it comes to Zero. I thought about it, and I felt that it would make Zero appear weak if he just let Aidou jump to his rescue all the time. Being weak would obviously not be Zero. ;3 Besides, Zero's a loner. Also, Asuka is the female replacement for Kaname lol. :D

The fire behind my eyes subsides, but only just ;
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