They're here!! *does a happy dance*

Jan 21, 2009 16:35

So today was a pretty good day. Got to hang out with Ash and JJ. Got to snuggle JJ while he took a nap. Got a hundred bucks knocked off my ticket at court.

And then I come home to find...

Sides: It's a box.
Sunny: Good observation, genius.
Bluestreak: Didn't Z warn us that there was another set of twins coming? Maybe that's them?

Sides: Gimme a boost Blue, I'll check it out.

Sides: I think it's them. 'S what the package says anyway.
Sunny: *grumpy* Great. Just what we need. More twins.
Blue: *wonders if Sunny realizes he sounds like Prowl* X3
Sides: Do we have anything to open it with?


Sunny: *passes up the Exacto knife* Use this.
Sides: *starts into the box*
Z: Hey! What are you three doing!? *snatches the knife, double takes* They're here!!!!! *tears into the box*

Z: Aww, aren't they cute! ^___^ 
Sides: No. Who ever heard of Autobots being jets anyway? The only thing jets are good for is judo.
 Z: Don't let the Arialbots hear you say that.
Sides; Oh, like their track record is so great.
Blue: I don't know, they're kind cute.
Sunny: Bluestreak! You can't be serious! 
Blue: I didn't mean it like that! I just meant they're cute, you know, like everyone always calls me cute. I don't really know why, but people do and I think it applies here.

Z: *starts getting them out of the box, taking the usual care in doing it to save the box* 
Jetfire: You're taking too long! *starts pulling on Jetstorm's arm* 
Jetstorm: Hey, ow! Brother, my legs are still-
Jetfire: Stuck, I know. I'm trying to get you-


Jetfire: *OOF* out. Hi. You've been in there.
Jetstorm: Way too long.

At this point, I look them both over and have myself a good squeal on how cute they are. Then I have to start cleaning up.

So, Sides and Sunny come over to tell the two new guys what's what.

Sides: Look here, just because you two are twins too doesn't mean you get any of the privlidges we do. We get first shot at whatever candy comes in the room. If we feel like judo-ing you, you'll take it without whining to Z like that little femme Starscream.
Sunny: *still a little peevish about Blue's comment* And keep your mitts off Bluestreak.
Sides: Or there's going to be serious problems, got it? 
Blue: Guys, I don't think this is a good idea. You know Z wanted us to be nice to them when they came. I don't think threatening them is what she had in mind.

Safeguard: So what's this about judo and candy? *smirks* 
Sides: Uh....nothin.
Z: What are you guys doing now? Aww, lookit Safeguard. *snuggles* 
Sunny: We're fragged.

One last shot of the two cuties chilling on my computer. They're not going on the shelf with either set of Sunny and Sides, Lambo and Viper, that's for sure. I don't know where I'll keep them, but for now, they're going to stick by me.

tfa, toys, transformers

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