This was too funny...
Dear Cupid,
This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.
Lindseyseale gave me a bunch of dusty Duck Tales valentine’s day cards.
I got a secret admirer letter that was written on the back of Krispy-tin's report card.
I got drunk at a party and ran around naked and Krispy-tin still makes fun of me.
So, as you can see, it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Orion-cadet9 fall in love with me this Valentine's day?
Take this Quiz at or, take the 'adult' version at ) and here's the "adult" one...
Dear Cupid,
This year, I've had my ups and downs in the love department.
Celticmartigirl heard that Krispy-tin had dumped me and sent me an inflatable Celticmartigirl.
Krispy-tin and I used breath mints as an aphrodisiac.
I got sick so Krispy-tin sent me a get well soon hooker.
So as you can see it's been a hectic year. Can you please make Krispy-tin hook up with me this Valentine's day?
Take this Quiz at or, take the 'clean' version at ) so..uh...yeah