Ahahahaha! at this news regarding the final book of The Wheel of Time. Brandon Sanderson has tons of work ethic, and TOR, not unexpectedly, is trying to get as much money as possible from their flagship series.
Books 1-6 were OK, even though Jordan liked to ramble in a (rather unfortunately for the hapless reader) very unSusanna Clarke-like quality of prose. But his editor must have contracted a case of the stupid in 7-10. Those took about ten years total to be published, and nothing much happened in them. There *was* some plot development (the heroes cleansed magic and the faux-Chinese Empire subplot was resolved), but those were accompanied by pages upon pages describing the dresses of minor characters. They weren't fun to read. Ten years of filler which should have taken one book to resolve.
I'll pick up the new books anyway, just for the sake of completeness. I don't really care what happens next in the story. But I spent money -and more importantly, time-on the series. The Memory of Light trilogy promises to end the whole wretched epic.
I'll only get them in paperback, though. Hardcovers are disturbingly expensive. Or skive them off a generous friend or two.
EDIT: And I just remembered that Jordan's repisodic descriptions -of gowns, tapestries, and angry women folding their arms underneath their breasts- meant that there were too many plot threads left hanging. Just the one where the bard and the rogue will rescue the witch from the elven tower is important enough to be the main plot of one book. So, yeah, the need to split the book into three should have been obvious from the get-go.