Mar 11, 2009 18:41
Body switching? Count me out, I'm fine with the one I have.
The Wilderness is annoying, but at least there are plenty of enemies to fight. These Holes aren't much on a challenge, but most of you would have trouble. Don't treat it like a beach vacation.
Good thing I didn't need a partner t [ooc: A line runs down the page as if he was interrupted mid-sentence, and anyone watching the entry in real time will notice there's a distinct pause. The next lines are clearly Oath's handwriting, but there's something a little rounder about his font.]
If you need me for anything, too bad. Unless it's an emergency I don't care if it's an emergency.
ooc: oh god lenalee's body,
ooc: not a happy camper,
ooc: these boots are made for walking,
ooc: should have worn a shirt,
event: body switch,
ooc: wut do i do with tits