Relationships @ underworldwars

Aug 10, 2011 18:40

fealty_to_none Still something of a newcomer in her eyes, Balthier's the kind of guy Jill can talk to easily. He seems pretty likable, and she's picked up on his having some fighting experience in the past.

to_rebel Aside from considering him a valuable source of information, Jill's come to know him better -- or to at least get a better idea of his personality -- since Balthazar's disappearance. She only recently learned about the Angel Thing -- via Michael -- but hasn't found it necessary to disclose that particular fact.

morethanafour Chick friiiiieeend, and someone Jill's willing to kick ass for. Jill only knows little of Elena's past, but has taken a warm liking to her all the same -- not least of all because she admires and respects her resolve.

vengefulblades Jill's first impression of him was a rational, collected, and sensible soldier, which she respected right away; since then, she's found him to be an interesting conversationalist and all around good guy, and is genuinely curious about his life before the Underworld.

Hades/Hecate: Like most, Jill's angry at the gods' actions and motives, but a little more so since the circumstances hit a few personal buttons. HINT: WHO ELSE STRUNG HER ALONG AND MADE HER INTO HIS PERSONAL PLAYTHING FOR HIS OWN SELFISH BENEFIT? Regardless, she acknowledges that losing her temper won't get her anywhere, and grudgingly shows Hecate, at least, borderline manners when interacting with her directly.

satangotmylungs Originally, Jill would not have been particularly sad if this loudmouthed jackass had just dropped off the edge of the Underworld. B| ...And now he's the guy she's seeing and living with. She's come to care about him and trust him considerably, the latter enough that he's slowly helped her overcome much of the physical contact issues she unconsciously developed while under P30. After months of really not understanding wtf his deal was, Jill's finally pieced together enough here and there to have a rough guess of why he is who he is.

aint_comin_back Simply put, Jill likes him: he has a level head, a leader's air, and has shown concern for both herself and the populace at large. Added to the soldier vibe she gets from him and how easy it is to talk to him about Srs Biznis, Jill willingly and easily regards him as a comrade of circumstance, and didn't hesitate to volunteer herself for his Citizen's Guard.

godlessblossom Former roommate, and considered to be the closest friend Jill has here. Jill's seen a bit of her younger self in Misaki more than once, and this plus Jill's general character has resulted in caring about the younger woman as genuinely as she would any long-term acquaintance. There's some particular concern on Jill's end regarding Misaki's tendency to retreat into herself the way she does, as well as the worry that Jill herself isn't being the best example when it comes to dealing with certain emotional issues; regardless, Jill has faith in Misaki's competence when it comes to dealing with the Underworld's tricks, even if there is still the natural inclination to be concerned about her whenever something arises.

savedbyradishes ...So cute. ;w; And friendly. ♥

chosefamily Monster-killing buddy. Yet another person Jill trusts to her back in the midst of a fight, as well as someone she feels obligated to look out for more than usual.

prodigalvampire Her hairstylist. |D She finds him friendly, outgoing, good and fun to talk to, and a good person in general -- an unbiased opinion that truthfully has nothing to do with her strong (magically induced) physical attraction to him. At this point in time, she hasn't made the connection that she feels this attraction most strongly when in person as opposed to when speaking to him over the Network.

lightning_fists Jill doesn't know her very well so far, but she admires her polite nature and good character.

Dropped characters

Albert Wesker: RAAAAAAAGE. That is all. Jill's very personal hatred for him hasn't abated in the slightest. The various degrees of abuse he showed her directly after arriving didn't help any.

Anders: Acquaintance and usual go-to healer. Jill likes him personally, finds his cat obsession oddly adorable, and doesn't even consider the *~magic~* thing weird anymore.

Aveline Vallen: Another battle partner, aw yeah. \o/ Also trusted and respected.

Balthazar (Supernatural): First met when they were subjected to the illusion of being a married pair. Jill has come to terms with the reality that the feelings they had for one another were entirely fabricated, but she still respects him as a friendly acquaintance, trusts him as a comrade, and does harbor personal concern for his well-being that goes a little beyond what she'd normally feel for a teammate.

Harry Dresden: One of those guys Jill naturally took to liking in a heartbeat. He has a talent for reading between the lines, which she respects and appreciates, particularly since he does it to help people. He's also one of very few people to whom she's spoken honestly about her nightmares, which alone adds +20 Trust and +15 Friendship.

Marian Hawke: Battle partner, aw yeah. \o/ Jill trusts Marian to her back in the heat of things, and has come to respect both her outlandish skills magic wtf is this and her character.

Mystique: Battle partner. o7 Jill respects the whole Mutant Thing, but isn't entirely sure what to think of her personality-wise. She likes talking with her and trusts her on the field, but glimpses here and there of a different character have left her with mind and eyes open.

Sephiroth: Jill's primary perception of him is a fellow soldier, through and through; he's collected, has an obvious head on his shoulders, shows regard for civilians, and while he's not the most socially adept person around, she appreciates his open nature when it comes to sharing details.

Vlad Dracula: #1 on Jill's list of "Residents Whose Faces I'd Like To Break." (He would be #2 if Wesker were here)

ooc, relationships, underworldwars

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